Happy New Year! January for me is always about new beginnings. That’s why I am introducing the CohabiTOT Co-op –a fun approach to getting your house organized!
How did this idea come about? Well here’s the story:
Everytime I went to the third floor of my house, I got a pit in my stomach. The piles and piles of clothes my 3 children under 5 outgrew was getting bigger and bigger by the second! And yes, I had the bad habit of cleaning out drawers and throwing it up there to organize some day!
Well some day finally happened! And you know your asking when did I find the extra couple hours? Well I didn’t really; I just found motivation and help from a good friend. She came over with coffee and sconces. ( Fyi–the sconces were parbaked from Fresh Direct and delicious!) It didn’t seem like a chore when she helped me. Yes we did get a little set back from when my twins emptied out the bags we sorted. But hey they were entertained and the job did get done. We had shared clothes between our kids (6 total!) so the clothes had some pretty good abuse! We packed those for Vietman Vets and even booked the pick-up the date. I packed another box for an expectant mom of twin girls. And yet another box for box for a new mom of a baby girl. I can see the floor upstairs again priceless!
So where am I going with this story? Ok, there are personal trainers, blogs about cooking with friends, life coaches. But as far as I know there isn’t anything set up for getting through the home projects. Ok sure there are personal organizers. But I am putting a different spin on it and I am here to help:
Tell me what your project has been on your to do list and I will buddy you up! Examples: The bookcase you bought at the yard sales 3 years ago that you never painted or fixed up! Sorting throught the toys that have multiplied and your kids have outgrown! The room you want to paint yourself because you don’t have the budget to hire a professional. The piles of your child’s artwork that need to be sorted, framed or photographed.
Isn’t it always easier to have s friend and even better the impartial eye to help you through these things! Just email me @ nancybreslin@aol.com and maybe I can find you another mom ( or dad) to work with you! Maybe one watches all the kids or you whip through the project out while the kids are at school.
The best part is I will be your project leader, checking in with you on your progress. If you get stuck on choosing a paint color; need help selecting the perfect storage container; or don’t where to donate all those zhu zhu pets; I am here to help.
So here’s hoping 2011 get’s off to a productive beginning so you have more time to enjoy the good things and wonderful people in your life!
Photo courtesy of Helena Soderberg